I’m going to be quite honest (and probably ramble a lot). It has been SO long since I wrote a blog that I don’t even think about it anymore. Months ago my thought process was something like this. “Oh, that was amazing. I am definitely going to blog about it. And when I do I can work in ____________ and ____________ and begin with _______________ or ________________.” Then gradually my thought process became “Oh, that was amazing. I should write a blog about it. Maybe later I can plan out the details.” Recently my thought process has been this: “Oh, that was awesome… Now what was it I’m supposed to be doing or getting? Note to self—get notepad to make lists.” However, I don’t have a notepad to write that note, so do you think I’ve picked up that notepad yet? Absolutely not!
So, I’m having a bit of writer’s block so let me just talk about the thing that baffles me most lately: this CRAZY weather! What on earth is going on? I have seen snow more in the past four years than I have in the first 25 years of my life. And I have seen more snow this year than I did for at least 12 consecutive years. While I’m not crazy about the snow, I’m even less crazy about the drastic swings in between each winter mini session. I think Mother Nature is going through “the change!” I learned in. elementary school the seasons went in this order: winter, spring, summer, autumn (the fancy word for fall). No one ever told me that is not order of seasons in Mississippi. Through the years I’ve learned we still have the same basic seasons (with the addition of a rainy season), but they don’t only roll around once a year, and don’t always come in that order. Ours go something like this: Winter, Rain, Spring, Winter, Spring, Rain, Summer, Winter, Spring, Winter, rain, rain, rain, winter, winter, winter…. You get the point. Never a dull weather moment here folks! But I am tired of the winter weather and rain. Ready for spring at least ¾ of the time!
Unfortunately I don’t have any huge stories or life events going on that have kept me from blogging. I’m thinking the main reason is because I don’t have a laptop and going to sit in the coldest room to write the blog only to have to post it later (since I can’t get internet out in the sticks) just isn’t appealing at all.
So here are some random things that have been going on lately. I think the last time I blogged was in November, so I’ll try to start from then.
December—crazy crazy month
• I finished my first semester of teaching at OGHS. It, like any other job, has its ups and downs, but it still going well.
• I experienced the Christmas season from the eyes (and body) of a retail employee. OMG! I thought it was supposed to be a time of love and happiness and sometimes those customers were far from loving and anywhere close to happy was a stretch.
• This one is embarrassing. I have no pride though, so whatever. Here goes…………. OK, never mind, I just can’t do it. I started typing this one out and there’s no way anyone can understand it without way too much background info. The story pretty much ends like this though: I got stood up for Wal-mart on New Year’s Eve! Ba ha ha ha!
That brings us to January
• I turned 29… The age at which I will stay for several more years. I can pull it off though because I religiously use moisturizer with SPF, a great night cream, and have just become a fan of Bare Minerals—a foundation that gives me a youthful glow! And my students still think I look 24. I know they are just trying to flatter me, but I like to believe it nonetheless.
• After returning from Christmas break for one day, we were off for a winter weather advisory. Fortunately, it was not bad. We could have actually had school, but the day off was much appreciated.
• Joseph and I went to Nashville to see Vallery and her new house. We went to Dave and Busters, I got a new purse, and hung out with great friends. Does it get any better?
And February
• I got to hang out with Dana for a day. I saw sweet Caroline’s room, which for the record used to be MY room in Dana’s house… I’m not jealous at ALL about that one ;) We went shopping and had a fun GIRLS day. I miss all my girls :(
• I celebrated my one year anniversary with my blog… Not really, because I have terribly neglected it, but I did look back at old posts and realize that it’s been a year since I started it. I did also realize how much I enjoyed doing it and I have renewed my blogging vows. I will TRY HARD to do better.
• Friday, it snowed… A LOT. I mean, I think that was the most snow I have ever seen around here. And it was good snow. Not the cold, hard, frozen, sludgy crap that is kinda off white because it has mud and dirt all mixed in. It was fluffy and pretty and white. Don’t get me wrong. It was still very much cold. I tried making a snowman but had to quit after getting started because my hands were hurting. So then I just made snow balls and had a snowball fight. FUN!!
• I took a group of students to FCCLA state competition in Jackson. Ten students competed. Four got first, two got second, and one got third. I was SUPER proud of them!
I can’t believe it's now March
I can’t really think of anything eventful that happened yet. Oh, wait! I helped mom make some cupcakes the other night. Aren’t these the cutest little froggies you’ve ever seen?!?!?! I can only take credit for the cupcake... Though I did do more than one... My mom made the cute cake and others too!

And I had to make some stuff for sweet baby Caroline (even though she’s stealing my room).
Hopefully during spring break I can get some more projects done and get another blog posted!
Love you guys! Have a great weekend!
Oh Lord, You are my God. I will exalt you and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness, You have done Marvelous things, things planned long ago.
Isaiah 25:1
Miss you much! Love the purse and the pic of you and the BF! Glad you are back in the blogging world! :)