Several weeks ago all my friends on Facebook began posting updates about Twilight--the books and the movie. I had no idea what it was about other than vampires. I knew it wouldn't be anything I was interested in, but I said something to a guy friend about going to see the movie. He insisted that it was a teen love story more than a vampire story. I was still rather turned off by it all until I saw one person's update. I have been friends with Candace for at least six years and I have never heard her get excited about reading anything. But now, in just a few weeks I watched as she updated the facebook world about her progress through the series of
four books. I was amazed. So I called her and asked about it. She demanded that I read the books. So, reluctantly, I bought the first one,
Twilight. It was amazing (and kinda scary) how normal the whole vampire story became. I thought I would be weirded out the whole time about the sci-fi like details, but I wasn't. And now, I am like everyone else I made fun of... posting updates online about my
Twilight progress. I am over half way through the last book. Don't get me wrong, I like the books. The stories are so addictive, but I can't wait to be done, because reading series of books becomes like an obsession to me. I have to read them all even if they get in the way of other things I should be doing. So, hopefully I'll be through soon and I can rejoin the real world and leave the vampires and werewolves alone!
So, next subject... I am so thankful for... my great friends. I got to talk to Ginger today. She is home from the hospital and doing well. Brogan is actually sleeping four hours at a time through the night. That would never ever suffice for me, but Ginger says she can get on schedule and sleep with him and she's not overly exhausted... That is such a blessing. I'm also thankful for my students. Last week we went to FCCLA competition. They worked hard preparing their projects for the competition. We did fairly well for a first time. I had four students that placed third in their events and one that got first place. It warmed my heart to see them take such pride in their work. They were already beginning to make plans for their projects next year. That kind of eagerness and those students are the ones that make teaching worthwhile. I am so blessed to be able to work with them. And lastly, in such a time when many people are unsure if they will have a job from month to month, I am thankful that I have a job. It is not without (many) stresses and frustrations, but it is a job that affords me to meet my needs and can be very rewarding. My heart goes out to those who would do anything to have a stable income now.
My list of blessings could go on and on (and should), but I must go for now... Off to read my bible study--finding peace is the lesson for the week. I'm working on it definately!