Well, sorry guys! I haven't written in a while. It has been crazy busy for me since I left McComb and there is no sign of a slow down in sight! I am soon going to post pics of the house I've been working on. I know you guys think I'm making it all up, but I will have pics for proof shortly. Obviously I have the before pics, but I am still waiting on the afters (you would think I was outside my mind for tackling the project if I posted the before shots... I'm beginning to believe it myself at this point). Thankfully, we only have to put the flooring in two rooms down now and I'll be able to move in, God willing. I could take some pics and show you what is done as of now, but you wouldn't be able to see much because all my things are piled up in the two rooms that are finished. I now wonder how I had so much stuff in a one bedroom apartment... I mean, I've completely furnished a three bedroom, two bath home. I can't wait to get it all fixed up and settled. I love my family, but I also love having my own place... Since the house is just down the road from mom and dad, I've got the best of both worlds.
The new job is going well, but is also challenging. I love the course and I have some really great students. The facilities are awesome and the teachers I know are really nice. Unfortunately I only know a very small percentage of the teachers here. There are nearly 100! I think I know about fifteen. That is quite an adjustment, but I keep reminding myself that I didn't get to know everyone at my other schools very quickly either.
I am so thankful for all the great things that are going on in my life and in the lives of those around me. I have SO many friends who have new, healthy babies and several with healthy pregnancies and hopefully healthy babies to come. I have friends with beautiful healthy families. People who have been laid off are finding employment. Unfortunately, I know several people going through struggles as well, but the beauty is that even through those struggles, they see a positive side. It is simply amazing. I am most certainly thankful for all the great things going on in my life right now--a list too long to detail. I say all that to say this--there are a lot of bad things going on in our world and it is very possible these things affect us in a big way, but when we step back and really look at things, blessings abound. We have to have perspective. It's hard sometimes, but necessary. We are blessed beyond measure even when we are undeserving. And that, above all, is something to be thankful for.