So, this morning I was watching the Today Show and the biggest headlines were these: Susan Boyle is having a breakdown, Jon and Kate (as of plus 8)are having another crisis, and the woman who faked a kidnapping and is accused of embezzling money has posted a $100,000 bond. NEWSFLASH! Anyone thrown into the spotlight being discussed in the way Susan Boyle was is very likely to have anxiety about it all. Airing your marital problems for all of America to see and discuss isn't going to help anything. AND HELLO! If I had embezzled lots of money, I could probably post $100,000 for bail too! What on earth is going on in this world? If that's the earth shattering news that makes national headlines, I or someone I know should make the news pretty soon. Which of the following stories might be most newsworthy?
Last Friday I resigned from my job. I know, I know... People resign every day. However, most people have a replacement job or some other plan in place. I don't have a job or a great plan. I do have a plan, but like I said, it's not great. If all else fails, I'll move back in with mom and dad and work somewhere where I can make enough to get by.
I have been diligently searching for a new job to no avail. Unfortunately, many schools cannot hire new teachers because they don't have a finalized budget for next year thanks to the legislature. Here's a news story. Most people who are given a specific amount of time to complete a job MUST get the work done in the allotted time. If they fail to meet deadlines, they are penalized. I find it quite amusing that the government is now operating is a completely opposite way. They did not get all of their work done during regular sessions so they just get extensions of time with no penalty. Not only do the get no penalty, they get paid extra! I would love to not meet deadlines and get paid extra to go work additional hours. Maybe the next story will be "FRUSTRATED TEACHER GOES POSTAL AND STORMS EMERGENCY SESSION." I think I am ready for my fifteen minutes of fame... And hopefully I won't buckle like ole Susie girl... Or maybe I should. I think it would add some spice to the story.
Here's another story. This lady should be nominated for Employee of the Year. I called one school district to talk to the person in charge of recruiting teachers. I tried for a solid week to speak to this lady. I left messages which were not answered. I spoke with the secretary who was very friendly and helpful in telling me the openings. I began to think I could possibly get certified to teach one of the positions so I called back to see exactly what I needed to do. Well finally I was able to speak to the recruiter. She in no less words told me that it was a little late for me to be calling and anyone who had the least interest in the school district had already come to a job fair and applied. She told me I could still apply, but I would be put at the bottom of the list! Ok, it's not like I was talking to someone in an elite district. This place is average at best... No wonder... Teachers make the district and if she speaks to all the candidates the way she spoke to me, many probably run in the other direction. It's ridiculous and sad that she is the voice of the district. There's a news story--MYSTERY UNVEILED! School district can't find good teachers because the recruiter is not good at her job!
And finally... Here is the most touching story of all... Seriously. It's newsworthy to me, but unfortunately happens to many every day, so chances of getting publicity from this are nil. My cousin and friend, Travis Stringer is suffering from a rare form of cancer called Ewing Sarcoma. It is a cancer that is in the soft tissues of the body and can show up anywhere in the body. He is a husband and father of two small children. He is a hard worker. Everyday that he isn't in the hospital or really sick, he goes to work. He would do anything to help anyone and would never ask for anything in return. He travels frequently to MD Anderson in Houston for treatments. He is incurring many medical and travel expenses. Some friends wanted to do something to help so we are planning a plate sale. Saturday, June 20, from 11am to 2pm at the five way stop in Magee we will be selling thin sliced ribeye steak plates. It will include an 8 ounce ribeye, baked beans, potato salad, roll, and dessert for $10. All proceeds will go to Travis and his family to help with those travel and medical expenses. If you would like a ticket, please call me or leave a comment. I'll get it to you... Also, a donation account has been set up for them at People's Bank if you or anyone you know is interested in making a donation. I know everyone can't help monetarily, but your prayers would also be greatly appreciated. Please continue to remember Travis and his family, as well as the ones providing him with treatment and care.
Now I wish I was famous... If I were Kate or Susan Boyle, don't you think we would have a better turnout? But then again, it's times like these, when there are so many things you want that you don't know what to want first. Ultimately, I want Travis to be all better regardless of the finances and fame. But I can do nothing more than pray for that, so I guess helping in this way is the next best thing. And most likely, I'm never gonna make the national news for anything. I'm just a small town girl trying to get by and help people when I can. The fliers I put up, the emails I send, and the announcement on my blog will have to take the place of national publicity. I think it will suffice though because there is nothing like the support of a small town. It is the best and I know this will be a success because of that...
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2