I have good news and bad news to report.
So, this weekend was going to be the weekend I began taking pictures again. For some reason, I haven’t taken any pictures all year long. That makes me really sad because I really love taking pictures and I really really love looking at them over and over again. This weekend I went to Nashville to see the Dave Mathews Band concert. I was dreading the ride because last week was the longest and most tiring week of my life. However, it turned out to be a great trip—that’s the good news. Unfortunately I didn’t get to take any pictures because the weekend was pretty blurry or hazy—that’s the bad news. Continue reading for more details (no, this isn’t a good article… it doesn’t answer the five w’s in the first paragraph, sorry).
We began the weekend one short. We bought four tickets to the concert. Vallery, Joseph, Shane and I had planned on going. Monday brought forth a slight change of plans for us all though as Shane nearly cut his toe off with a chainsaw. He was in the hospital for a large part of the week and had just been released Thursday. Needless to say, he wasn’t quite up to par for our weekend trip. We were down to three for the concert and two for the ride to Nashville.
I was so tired driving to Madison to meet Joseph. I wasn’t sure if I could stay awake to drive to TN, so I asked Joseph to drive. I thought that was a pretty good plan and thought maybe I could take some pictures along the way. Good plan, yes; pictures, no. Joseph is a great driver, but I think he was trying to act like we were driving at Talladega rather than rural Mississippi and Tennessee. I didn’t have to worry about falling asleep and missing any of the scenery. We got to Nashville (safely, thank goodness) before I could even think about going to sleep. Unfortunately every time I wanted to snap a picture, the scenery was gone by the time I got my camera ready. Then I thought back to an episode of Friends (which I reference almost daily). Pheobe said part of her oath as a masseuse was to always be prepared. Taking great wisdom from Phebes, I kept my camera out and ready so I wouldn’t miss another shot. That plan really didn’t work so well either though because we were going so fast everything was blurry. So, I put my camera away and vowed to take pics once I got there.
We arrived, ate, and then crashed—well, that’s what Joseph and I did. Vallery was spinning like the Tasmanian devil all weekend. She spent the entire weekend cooking and cleaning and then cooking some more. I really think she spent more time cooking than sleeping this weekend—exactly the kind of host I prefer! The food was great. She had already prepared lasagna for supper Friday night and breakfast casserole for brunch Saturday. She says she’s been taking cooking classes, but over the course of the weekend I began to question that. I don’t think she would ever just lie about it, but I wonder if she really meant that she’s been paying someone to come cook for her and the cook shows her how to do some stuff every once in a while. That could be a “cooking class” right?
I would have never doubted her, but a few pieces of the story just don’t add up. First, the two meals we had were flawless. But, they were prepared ahead of time—I think the person from the “cooking class” could have done those. I might possibly overlook that but this second thing sealed the deal. Vallery began to cook us lunch Saturday afternoon. I thought that would be a great time to take some pics of us chilling out and her perfecting her Cajun cuisine (that she learned about in this “cooking class”). Wouldn’t you know, just as I got my camera out, the smoke detectors started sounding. I didn’t know what to do. I was about to stop, drop, and roll. I looked in the kitchen and there she was trying to fan down the smoke that has filled the entire room. I had my camera out and ready, but couldn’t get any pics through that smoke filled room. I knew two things then: Vallery needed a personal tutor at all times in her “cooking class” and I had to take pictures at the concert.
After 30 minutes of airing out, we were finally able to go back in the apartment without Cajun pork flavored smoke filling our lungs. We ate (and it was actually good) and left for the concert, camera in my hand. We got to our seats and the concert began. We watched Jason Mraz and then waited for Dave Mathews. The stadium began filling up—there must have been 45,000 people there. The sun went down and the lights went off. YAY! Dave Mathews! Then I remembered my camera. They started doing some really cool lighting effects and I decided I wanted to take some pictures then. As I reached for my camera I smelled a strange smell… Not quite like a cigarette or cigar. I looked around and saw the people a couple rows down passing a joint around. Needless to say, those pictures were quite hazy with marijuana smoke floating all around… I put my camera up and enjoyed the amazing show. The musical talent was AWESOME!
We went home, crashed again and I was bound and determined to do two things—keep Vallery out of the kitchen Sunday morning and take some pictures before I left. I got up and went to get strawberries and juice for breakfast. I had planned to make everyone some pancakes. I warned them that my pancakes weren’t the prettiest, but they tasted alright. Vallery then came to try and show me how to make pretty pancakes. Of course, I knew she hadn’t been to a pancake “cooking class” so I told her not to worry about it; I would be ok. I made all the pancakes and had just a bit more batter left. I was so proud of myself because they weren’t even that ugly. I poured the last batter in the pan, smiling because I made pretty pancakes. Sadly, that didn’t last long. I looked around and noticed things looked hazy. I thought it might have been déjà vu or flashbacks. But then I smelled my pancakes burning. What a let down! Who smokes up the kitchen making pancakes? I quickly dumped those pancakes in the trash can. Thankfully, I didn’t set the smoke alarm off, but my last photo op was effectively ruined. Once again, the beautiful and fun weekend was filled with clouds. Maybe I need some "cooking classes" too.
Even though I didn’t get any great pictures, I had a great time. I’ll find some links to Nashville, Jason Mraz, and Dave Mathews band sites to keep my memories alive. If you would like to see them, I’ll send them to you too.
I hope you have a good week…
:Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain."
Edward De Bono
*While some parts of the story may be exaggerated, it is all based on a true story and inspired by actual events. Contrary to what it may sound like, Vallery was an awesome hostess and she really can cook (some things).
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
25 Random Things... for my READERS!
Ok, so I just found out that I have a loyal band of readers... I must admit though you guys have given me some writers block. I had all kinds of ideas for a blog, but I can't remember them now... But, being the dependable person that I am, I have found something entertaining to post. This was a note from facebook that I think everyone on facebook did a couple months ago. It was fun to do and even more fun to read everyone elses random facts... So here ya go! Thanks for reading!
1. I recently left a place that I love and people that I love to take a job I thought I would love... Unfortunately, I do not love my job.
2. I was once questioned by the police because they thought I stole someone's identity.
3. My sister is one of my best friends but we only when we aren't living together.
4. When I saw the trailer for 27 Dresses I seriously thought someone had made a movie about my life.
5. I have a system of organization even though my stuff often looks messy.
6. I believe there is a direct relationship between a person's creativity and a her need for (or lack there of) tidyness.
7. I love to sew. My grandmother was a great seamstress as is my mom, but the skill wasn't passed on to me from them. I had to take a class in college to learn.
8. I am a procrastinator, but I see it as being able to work well under pressure.
9. My all time favorite job is being a teller.
10. Sometimes I completely and unintentionally block out memories of things in my life that didn't go well.
11. My favorite pen to write with is a Pilot P-700. Don't even think about borrowing it.
12. I still like to color. I think it is relaxing.
13. I love the smell of new books, crayons, and fresh cut grass... but not all at the same time.
14. Growing up, we went on a family vacation every year that I can remember but I travelled more in 2005 than I have all the other years of my life combined.
15. When I was in grad school I stressed more when I was taking two easy classes than I did when I took three more difficult classes.
16. I was in marching and concert band for nine years and loved it. I secretly miss it sometimes.
17. I made so many good friends in band.
18. I hate dating. The beginning days of uncertainty are the worst. I would much rather be single or in a relationship.
19. My first major in college was sports medicine.
20. I learned the hard way that in many parts of Asia they don't use toilet paper and the toilets don't flush.
21. I went on a cruise once and vowed to never go on one again. Nothing bad happened and I didn't get sick or anything, I just didn't like it.
22. I love getting flowers for no reason at all and would rather have a cheap, thoughtful and creative gift than some ellaborate or expensive gift that means nothing and shows no thought.
23. I spend at least fourty dollars every time i go into a book store but I have many books on my bookshelf that I have never read.
24. I can't stand to have the volume, temperature, or anything else with visible numbers set on any odd number except multiples of five. It has to be even numbers or something that ends with five.
25. I got a fortune cookie today that I really believe. It made me smile.
1. I recently left a place that I love and people that I love to take a job I thought I would love... Unfortunately, I do not love my job.
2. I was once questioned by the police because they thought I stole someone's identity.
3. My sister is one of my best friends but we only when we aren't living together.
4. When I saw the trailer for 27 Dresses I seriously thought someone had made a movie about my life.
5. I have a system of organization even though my stuff often looks messy.
6. I believe there is a direct relationship between a person's creativity and a her need for (or lack there of) tidyness.
7. I love to sew. My grandmother was a great seamstress as is my mom, but the skill wasn't passed on to me from them. I had to take a class in college to learn.
8. I am a procrastinator, but I see it as being able to work well under pressure.
9. My all time favorite job is being a teller.
10. Sometimes I completely and unintentionally block out memories of things in my life that didn't go well.
11. My favorite pen to write with is a Pilot P-700. Don't even think about borrowing it.
12. I still like to color. I think it is relaxing.
13. I love the smell of new books, crayons, and fresh cut grass... but not all at the same time.
14. Growing up, we went on a family vacation every year that I can remember but I travelled more in 2005 than I have all the other years of my life combined.
15. When I was in grad school I stressed more when I was taking two easy classes than I did when I took three more difficult classes.
16. I was in marching and concert band for nine years and loved it. I secretly miss it sometimes.
17. I made so many good friends in band.
18. I hate dating. The beginning days of uncertainty are the worst. I would much rather be single or in a relationship.
19. My first major in college was sports medicine.
20. I learned the hard way that in many parts of Asia they don't use toilet paper and the toilets don't flush.
21. I went on a cruise once and vowed to never go on one again. Nothing bad happened and I didn't get sick or anything, I just didn't like it.
22. I love getting flowers for no reason at all and would rather have a cheap, thoughtful and creative gift than some ellaborate or expensive gift that means nothing and shows no thought.
23. I spend at least fourty dollars every time i go into a book store but I have many books on my bookshelf that I have never read.
24. I can't stand to have the volume, temperature, or anything else with visible numbers set on any odd number except multiples of five. It has to be even numbers or something that ends with five.
25. I got a fortune cookie today that I really believe. It made me smile.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Is it really just Tuesday?
It really feels like it should be at least Thursday. I'm not sure why, but this has been the longest week already. I'm so tired. And now I'm complaining. I'll quit now. On a brighter note, progress reports come out this week. Normally I don't get too excited about that, but this means we are halfway through this nine weeks. That doesn't excite me either, but this is the last nine weeks. So, what excites me is that we only have about four and a half weeks left of school. I CAN'T WAIT! This might be the most highly anticipated summer in my teaching career.
I haven't had much going on lately and therefore lack entertainment value for you guys. Hopefully I can come up with something good to write about soon. I'm going to Nashville this weekend to go see Dave Matthews and Jason Mraz. I can't wait... But quite honestly, if I don't get some energy before then I might just sleep through the concert. Maybe I should go get some vitamins.
Well, I suppose I'll quit my little rambling session. I'll write again when I have some noteworthy topics...
"A heart is judged not by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others."
The Wizard of Oz
I haven't had much going on lately and therefore lack entertainment value for you guys. Hopefully I can come up with something good to write about soon. I'm going to Nashville this weekend to go see Dave Matthews and Jason Mraz. I can't wait... But quite honestly, if I don't get some energy before then I might just sleep through the concert. Maybe I should go get some vitamins.
Well, I suppose I'll quit my little rambling session. I'll write again when I have some noteworthy topics...
"A heart is judged not by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others."
The Wizard of Oz
So, I don't have much time, but I just have to share a pic of my latest project. My friend Amy just found out she was having a girl. I was so excited because all my friends that had babies recently had boys. While I like little boys too, girls are so much more fun to make stuff for. Anyway... As soon as Amy text me and told me it was a girl I had my trip to the fabric store planned. Got the stuff Saturday, began to work Sunday, finished it Monday! Here are the pics!

Will post more (for all of my faithful readers) later!
Will post more (for all of my faithful readers) later!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tales of a trip home
So, I went to Magee this weekend. It was the first time I went there since the day I visited after the tornado. What a disaster site! I can't believe it. It's so sad to me to see those places of total destruction. But everyone is coping very well. Corinth had sunrise services Sunday morning on the slab of their church just like that was what happened every day. It's amazing to see peoples' resilience. People are trying to return to normalcy as best they can.
I love being able to spend time with family and loved ones. Its such a great feeling. Being so far away, I feel like I miss out on a lot. I know, I know. I have friends here and I'm only 90-100 miles from my closest friends and family back home, but it's more than I've ever done before and I'm adjusting. Anyway... It was a nice trip home and spending time with friends and family makes me realize I have so much to be thankful for. They are the best!
Next subject... Yesterday began week four of boot camp! I thought it would get easier as the weeks went on... Oh no. Coach Gayden knows our thoughts and bodies. She knows we can do more now than three weeks ago and she is definately taking advantage of it. It was the hardest work out thus far. It was great but I'm sore and still tired. I hope to run some on my own this afternoon. I am determined to make myself a runner one day!
I hope everyone had a great weekend and Easter! Let's remember the meaning of easter and celebrate it every day... What an awesome gift!
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
I love being able to spend time with family and loved ones. Its such a great feeling. Being so far away, I feel like I miss out on a lot. I know, I know. I have friends here and I'm only 90-100 miles from my closest friends and family back home, but it's more than I've ever done before and I'm adjusting. Anyway... It was a nice trip home and spending time with friends and family makes me realize I have so much to be thankful for. They are the best!
Next subject... Yesterday began week four of boot camp! I thought it would get easier as the weeks went on... Oh no. Coach Gayden knows our thoughts and bodies. She knows we can do more now than three weeks ago and she is definately taking advantage of it. It was the hardest work out thus far. It was great but I'm sore and still tired. I hope to run some on my own this afternoon. I am determined to make myself a runner one day!
I hope everyone had a great weekend and Easter! Let's remember the meaning of easter and celebrate it every day... What an awesome gift!
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Tales of Springtime!
Wow... It's been a while since I posted something so I thought I'd write about some random stuff today! This week has been super busy. I have been going to a "boot camp" exercise program that the school district is providing for us. It has been so much fun. We have it three times a week, but for various reasons each week I have only been able to make it twice. This week doesn't look like its going to be any exception. My legs are hurting and I know I'm being a wimp, but I feel like I need to give them another day before I start killing those muscles again. Plus I have a lot of stuff I need to do this afternoon. But, it does seem that going to boot camp or doing any kind of exercise makes me more productive in the evening. It's a bit strange that exhausting myself like that actually makes me feel better and gives me more energy. But whatever... I guess it's a greatly appreciated mystery to me.
This weekend I decided to go to Baton Rouge since I had never been there. I wanted to go to the outlet mall in Gonzales first so I printed out directions. Of course I left the directions at home, but I had looked at them so I thought I could find it... How wrong I was! After calling Vallery to get directions, I still rode around lost for over an hour. Apparently she said go left and for some reason, I thought she meant go right. Who would have thought that she did in fact mean for me to go left? Anyway... Thank goodness for mapquest and cell phones... Otherwise I would probably still be riding around south Louisiana. I found the mall, shopped a while, and then went to the famous Strawberry festival in Ponchatoula. There are no words to describe that... Well, no nice words. Let me just say this--people who speak so lowly of Mississippi obviously have never ever been to Louisiana.
As this week comes to a close we are one week closer to summer! YAY! I haven't started the official countdown yet, but it's coming soon! I can't wait. I hope all (two) of you are doing well and have a safe and happy Easter!
"He is not here. For He has risen..."
Matthew 28:6
This weekend I decided to go to Baton Rouge since I had never been there. I wanted to go to the outlet mall in Gonzales first so I printed out directions. Of course I left the directions at home, but I had looked at them so I thought I could find it... How wrong I was! After calling Vallery to get directions, I still rode around lost for over an hour. Apparently she said go left and for some reason, I thought she meant go right. Who would have thought that she did in fact mean for me to go left? Anyway... Thank goodness for mapquest and cell phones... Otherwise I would probably still be riding around south Louisiana. I found the mall, shopped a while, and then went to the famous Strawberry festival in Ponchatoula. There are no words to describe that... Well, no nice words. Let me just say this--people who speak so lowly of Mississippi obviously have never ever been to Louisiana.
As this week comes to a close we are one week closer to summer! YAY! I haven't started the official countdown yet, but it's coming soon! I can't wait. I hope all (two) of you are doing well and have a safe and happy Easter!
"He is not here. For He has risen..."
Matthew 28:6
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