Ok, so I just found out that I have a loyal band of readers... I must admit though you guys have given me some writers block. I had all kinds of ideas for a blog, but I can't remember them now... But, being the dependable person that I am, I have found something entertaining to post. This was a note from facebook that I think everyone on facebook did a couple months ago. It was fun to do and even more fun to read everyone elses random facts... So here ya go! Thanks for reading!
1. I recently left a place that I love and people that I love to take a job I thought I would love... Unfortunately, I do not love my job.
2. I was once questioned by the police because they thought I stole someone's identity.
3. My sister is one of my best friends but we only when we aren't living together.
4. When I saw the trailer for 27 Dresses I seriously thought someone had made a movie about my life.
5. I have a system of organization even though my stuff often looks messy.
6. I believe there is a direct relationship between a person's creativity and a her need for (or lack there of) tidyness.
7. I love to sew. My grandmother was a great seamstress as is my mom, but the skill wasn't passed on to me from them. I had to take a class in college to learn.
8. I am a procrastinator, but I see it as being able to work well under pressure.
9. My all time favorite job is being a teller.
10. Sometimes I completely and unintentionally block out memories of things in my life that didn't go well.
11. My favorite pen to write with is a Pilot P-700. Don't even think about borrowing it.
12. I still like to color. I think it is relaxing.
13. I love the smell of new books, crayons, and fresh cut grass... but not all at the same time.
14. Growing up, we went on a family vacation every year that I can remember but I travelled more in 2005 than I have all the other years of my life combined.
15. When I was in grad school I stressed more when I was taking two easy classes than I did when I took three more difficult classes.
16. I was in marching and concert band for nine years and loved it. I secretly miss it sometimes.
17. I made so many good friends in band.
18. I hate dating. The beginning days of uncertainty are the worst. I would much rather be single or in a relationship.
19. My first major in college was sports medicine.
20. I learned the hard way that in many parts of Asia they don't use toilet paper and the toilets don't flush.
21. I went on a cruise once and vowed to never go on one again. Nothing bad happened and I didn't get sick or anything, I just didn't like it.
22. I love getting flowers for no reason at all and would rather have a cheap, thoughtful and creative gift than some ellaborate or expensive gift that means nothing and shows no thought.
23. I spend at least fourty dollars every time i go into a book store but I have many books on my bookshelf that I have never read.
24. I can't stand to have the volume, temperature, or anything else with visible numbers set on any odd number except multiples of five. It has to be even numbers or something that ends with five.
25. I got a fortune cookie today that I really believe. It made me smile.